
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

An Introduction to Twitter...

:) I have been blessed with the gene that most of my generation seems to have: the instant connect with technology gene. Sera says 'I know right, you just sit down and get it!! It's spooky, yet incredibly convenient."


SOOO I am here to help the less fortunate out there with TWITTER!! :) ahh yes.

Now, I'm sure someone could write a better guide. I personally have only been tweeting for about a week. ;) but there is that gene... and the fact that I like to explore! So I figure I am qualified to write an introduction!! Please ignore any patronization and just skip over the stuff you already know. This is an INTRO so it's gonna cover EVERYTHING!!


{click on images to make them bigger}

We'll start with the home page.

#1 - Posting a tweet
This is pretty easy and straightforward... you type what you are thinking, what you're doing, a message to someone (that isn't private), and click 'tweet' VOILA! :) you have tweeted! you're such a twit! :D ;)

#2 - Character limit
Yes, worst (or in some people's view best) part of twitter... what REALLY makes twitter twitter, is it's character limit. You can only have 140 characters in your tweet!! Keep an eye on this little number to see how many you have left! :)

#3 - see that up there? That's your username AND under that it tells you how many tweets you've posted. This is a cool little feature, though not exactly useful in anyway!

#4 - Follow
This is kinda/sorta the crux of twitter! Here we have the number of people YOU are following, the number of people following YOU, and the number of lists you are in! you can click on any three of these to see the details, such as the names of the people following you. :)

#5 - There are a lot of links here that we will get to in a bit! Moving along!

#6 - ReTweets and Replies.
These top ones are replies. A reply is a tweet you direct at someone else... usually in response to a tweet of theirs. One such example -

Theleiler: @Luthiensnowtail ahahah thank you :) AND OH MY GOOOODDDD. CLIFFHANGER MUCH CORA??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Luthiensnowtail: @theLeiler I make it a point to cliffhang all my chaps, just to make you happy... HA ;) :D... no, really it just always seems to happen lol!


Qkeller007: Just got out of walmart

Luthiensnowtail: @Qkeller007 that's nice dear. are you going to give a complete play by play? like, 'just got out of the bathroom' 'now we're driving' 'yawn'

To reply to someone, you can either click the 'reply' button underneath their tweet, or type @ and then their username, like '@luthiensnowtail 

Retweets are what you do if someone tweets something you like, think is funny, want to promote, or some other reason that you want to show it to all of your followers. There are two different ways to retweet. You can click the retweet button underneath the original tweet, and it will appear as above.
 OR you can say 'RT @serastoff Just got coffee with Lulu and my sis!! Lulu dressed punk, I am a walking rainbow!!! Too much fun!!!!!" 

both are accepted and enjoyed! :) 

SO I think that covers it for the basics of the first page. Lets move on to the next part!


Now first up there we have '@luthiensnowtail'

when you click this, you get to see all the tweets people have replied to you. that is; all the tweets that have @(yourusername) in them! :) 


moving on to DIRECT MESSAGES. These are often referred to as DMs... :)

Direct messages are like Private Messages on a forum, or Inbox Messages on facebook. They are (relatively) private messages, that (relatively) stay between you and the recipient. As with everything on the internet, I wouldn't go talking about stuff you don't want anyone else to know about, such as illegal stuff, on here. (well, I would hope you wouldn't HAVE any illegal stuff to talk about!!!! But, whatever!) This is good for not-FBI style confidential stuff you want to share with only one friend. :)

To write a DM, you just choose the person to send it to, write it, and click send! Difficult, I know! :) Again, you only have 140 characters!

moving right along to Favorites!
Favorites... hmm wonder what those are... ;) These are your favorite tweets! When you see a tweet you like you can click a little star in the upper right corner, and it gets marked. Then it appears here! :)

And retweets... I believe we have already discussed this. This is just where it shows you who has retweeted YOUR tweets! :)

Now we will move on to another, even more difficult, portion of twitter! The top bar!! :D

Home, we've already covered.
Profile is pretty self explanatory. This shows you your profile how it appears to other people. It has all your tweets, your name/website/bio, and the different display of your followers.

Find people
This is where you.. uh.. find people... ;)

The easiest way to find people, especially celebrities, is to type their name in this box! :)

Help and Sign Out are pretty self explanatory.. yep!

SETTINGS - this one's a monster!! :)

First up is 'account'

Username = this is the name that people see when you post, the name they reply to, and pretty much your 'name' on twitter. It is best to pick a name that people will recognize as you. Of course, if you decide you don't like it you can always change it without hurting any of your previous tweets or @replies!

Email: You have to put your email in so you can get notifications when people follow you. You can choose whether to be 'findable' by your email. i.e. someone can put my email in and my name will come up.

Language: Um, yeah. This asks what language you want to see twitter in. I'm *guessing* that if you are reading *this* you'll want it in english, but you may be bilingual (go YOU), in which case you could want it in a different language. just choose your preferred language and voila! :)

Time Zone: this is so they can show you the correct times that people are posting their tweets. simply pick the time zone you're in!! :)

Tweet Location: It is possible to have your location on all your tweets. Sera's for example:

I personally don't have it on mine, but to each their own!

You can 'protect your tweets', meaning you get to pick and choose who can see them. This doesn't work with any connections, such as facebook. So, if you're planning on connecting don't bother with this!

OK - Password!

pretty simple. this is where you can change your password ;)

Here you can send tweets from your phone, or get tweets sent to your phone! :)

Notices: This is where you regulate what you get emails about.

Profile: Here is where you can change your image, your name, your location, your website, and your bio. basically this is where you change what your 'profile' that other people see, looks like! Go figure! :)

Design is where you change what your profile looks like. You can choose one of the ones they have:

Or you can upload your own (a bit more about that at the end...)

Connections is where you manage the things you have connected to your twitter account. things such as facebook, disqus, colorlovers. That sort.

WHEW, done with that bar! Now on to outside connections and the such.

We'll start with connecting your FB to your twitter.
There are MULTIPLE ways to do this. The most basic and straight is to go to FB and search 'twitter'

Now, unfortunately, this doesn't work for some people! (Me included)
If that doesn't work, you can try Hootsuite... I'm sure there are more but that's the only one I know of! And I don't use it, so I can't tell you about it! SORRY! :)

now about making your own profile background.. this is interesting!

What *I* did....
I took a screen shot of my twitter profile (function: prt screen... or such) and then pasted it into paint (you must do this to keep the correct size) saved it, and opened it in photoshop:

Then I just put my elements where I wanted them to appear on my profile... that way I could see where the sidebar was, where my tweets showed up... all that stuff!

(Stuff in red is 'new elements'... shut up, I'm using my trackpad! :D)

When I got a design I liked I deleted the background (layer from background: delete) and flattened all the elements into one layer, then saved it as a png

Then you go to twitter: design: change your image: and select the png you just made

after you upload it, select the background color you want on 'change your color' then VOILA: you have a customized background!!


I hope you got something out of that! It sure took me a long time to write!! thanks for making it all the way here! :)



1 comment:

Clara said...

Thank you very much for this excellent explanation of Twitter. I think I am good now. Whoohoo!!