
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Shila CHP15 (Audlarpok ) - A/N

okeedokee this is *sorta* a filler chap. it's k. not much to say! except, I wrote this in the car while on a road trip... yes, I took my computer and typed until it died. see how dedicated I am??? :D

OH Selina is based on my little sis. She was sitting next to me when I was typing, reading it, and I said 'do you want to be in my story?' and she said 'Yeah! Can my name be Selina?' haha :) 

OH AGAIN - :D (SERA you rock!)  for clarification... Zia is pronounced ZSHH EEEE AAA yeah. Like Zhao. :) :) 

audlarpok- leaves (departs)

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