
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

because IM also stands for I'm randoM :D

I really am. I am sometimes the randomest.

check it -

"LuLu says:
*is skepticality a word?
 *or rather, can it be?
 *"I was dragged along, skeptical at her ‘plan.’ When she stopped in front of the large throne room doors my skepticality wasn’t lessened. "
 *ROFL I just typed samantha tapping
 *my foot is asleep
* its bugging me
*OMD i forgot FONG was the earthbending general in the "avatar state" epi
Sera says:
 *try about her plan as a opposed to 'at her plan'
LuLu says:
* ooh, good, kay
Sera says:
 *Yeha, hmm... why did you think of that?
LuLu says:
 *i was just random searching on avatar wikia "

Aren't I completely awesome??? :D

I know. I just crack myself up sometimes!!


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