Evil Laughs...
You must have one.
Now don't just go chuckling away and think that its all good.
It's not.
Evil laughs must be crafted, well thought out, and practiced. They are a work of art.
A bad evil laugh can ruin a person. Make you the laughing stock of the megalomaniac community. Don't even TRY to evilly laugh until you know you have it down.
Now... lets talk about the components needed to evilly laugh. I'm going to keep it simple, and give you five words that you should shape your evil laugh around.
- Sardonic
- Demented
- Enraged
- Humorous
- Evil
Let's begin with Sardonic.
Main Entry: | sardonic |
Part of Speech: | adjective |
Definition: | sarcastic |
Synonyms: | acerbic, arrogant, biting, bitter, carping, caustic, cynical, derisive, disrespectful, evil, irascible, mean, mocking, mordant, nasty, offensive, salty, satirical, scorching, scornful, sharp, smart-alecky, sneering, taunting, wise* |
Notes: | sarcastic means 'derisive, tauntingly contemptuous,' while sardonic means 'bitterly scornful, cynically disdainful' |
(From Thesaurus.com)
Please read that note. It's important.
Your laugh must be "bitterly scornful, cynically disdainful'" this is perhaps the very definition of an evil laugh.
Dont ever forget that
moving along.
"Main Entry: | demented |
Part of Speech: | adjective |
Definition: | crazy, insane |
Synonyms: | bananas, bemused, crackbrained, daft, delirious, deranged, distracted, distraught, flipped out, foolish, frenzied, fruity, hysterical, idiotic, in the ozone, lunatic, mad, maniac, maniacal, manic, non compos mentis, nutty as a fruitcake, out of one's gourd, out of one's tree, psycho, psychopathic, psychotic, schitzy, schizoid, unbalanced, unglued, unhinged, unsound, whacko |
Antonyms: | balanced, rational, reasonable, sane, sensible |
Now, you must keep this under control. Too demented and you can be seen as insane. Insane is most assuredly NOT something you want to be seen as. All Megalomaniacs are seen as on the brink, and having too demented of an evil laugh is a no go. You could be put into an asylum, or a fellow MM could try to overthrow you.
Easy on the demented.
it's still important though!! Just... in moderation.
"Main Entry: | enrage |
Part of Speech: | verb |
Definition: | make very upset |
Synonyms: | T-off, aggravate, anger, ask for it, exasperate, get under skin, hack*, incense, incite, inflame, infuriate, ire, irritate, madden, make blood boil, make see red, needle, provoke, rile, steam up, umbrage, whip up |
Antonyms: | appease, calm, compose, pacify, placate, please, soothe" |
hah, this one might confuse you a bit.
"I mean, its like a laugh right? Omg! It like totally cant be mad, like woah!"
Fail. Throw away your stereotypes and such, and just listen to the master.
You are evil. Evil people are not happy. You don't laugh at jokes. An evil laugh must be saved for the occasions when you are gloating over a victory, or about to face an opponent. And in these times, you have a bit of anger there to fuel your laugh.
Thus, it must be enraged.
Not boiling, you see, but just with a hint of anger.
Comprende? Bueno.
let's continue.
"Main Entry: | humorous |
Part of Speech: | adjective |
Definition: | funny, comical |
Synonyms: | amusing, camp*, campy, comic, droll, entertaining, facetious, farcical, hilarious, jocose, jocular, jokey, joshing, laughable, ludicrous, merry, playful, pleasant, priceless, ribald, screaming, side-splitting, too funny for words, waggish, whimsical, witty |
Antonyms: | depressing, dramatic, gloomy, morose, sad, serious, tragic, uncomical, unfunny |
(Again, Thesaurus.com)
Ok, ok, I know, I'm a little bit conflicting here. I mean I just said 'you aren't laughing at jokes.'
But come on. This is a laugh. It must have a bit of humor, right?
I really don't have much to say on this. It's just kinda... common sense.
going right along.
"Main Entry: | evil |
Part of Speech: | adjective |
Definition: | sinful, immoral |
Synonyms: | angry, atrocious, bad, baneful, base, beastly, calamitous, corrupt, damnable, depraved, destructive, disastrous, execrable, flagitious, foul, harmful, hateful, heinous, hideous, iniquitous, injurious, loathsome, low, maleficent, malevolent, malicious, malignant, nefarious, no good, obscene, offensive, pernicious, poison, rancorous, reprobate, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, spiteful, stinking, ugly, unpleasant, unpropitious, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked, wrathful, wrong |
Antonyms: | auspicious, decent, good, honest, moral, sinless, upright, virtuous |
"Its, like, an evil laugh! No Duh, its like, totally evil! Come on, omg!"
Please, please, have some depth.
An evil laugh is all too often NOT evil. I know, it's sad, but true!
Your laugh must, above all else, be evil. It must make people cringe, and be afraid. Your laugh should be the driving force of your evilness.
lets give it to you in a percentage.
80% Sardonic
5% Demented
5% Enraged
10% Humorous
100% Evil
Perhaps the best evil laugh ever... Vincent Price, as heard in the end of Micheal Jackson's Thriller.
You can fast forward - it's at the end.
Well, I believe that is all I have to say about evil laughs!
Work on it! Don't go into battle without a perfect one!!!
MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA <----- acceptable written form." ~LS
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