
Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Graveyard

Beneath the creaking willow tree
My lonesome lover lies
Beneath the flowing mosses
Is where my one heart dies

Alone and yet forsaken
The wind to scratch my cheek
No face for me to slyly scan
Or hand for me to keep

Why my love did you so go
And leave my heart with rage
Why did you abandon me
Alone to face the age

And all I have remaining
Of your intricate brown eyes
Is a softly creaking willow tree
Neath which a white cross lies

1 comment:

Carole said...

Nice poem. As someone interested in words, I thought you might like to look into the word play in cryptic crosswords (if you aren't already into them). I have been doing a series of posts about cryptic clues and how to solve them. This is the first one in the series: