
Monday, August 29, 2011

Senior Year

So I have a lengthy explanation I could give for this, lots of reasons, but basically... I want 291 photosets. A picture every day of my senior year. This is, truly, for *me*, not for the two of you readers ;) but maybe you'll like it... ? who knows :) <3

I'll hopefully post them in weekly increments from now on, but I just needed to test things and get this up! :) (click for full view)

08.14.11 - mom's birthday
08.15.11 - first day of class [physics]
08.16.11 - first day of class [TGC]

Monday, August 15, 2011


I always thought I was the one who loved hosting parties. Because I *love* parties, everything to do with parties, and well... going to parties.

But I HATE hosting parties.

You have to worry about all the little details, the invites and food and games and all that. and you have to make sure everyone's happy when they get there. You never have to time to *enjoy* the party!

so, world, I will minimalize my party hosting, FYI. but by all means, invite me. I die without constant social interaction ;)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Where Oh where has that little time gone?

No, but seriously. It's AUGUST. what is this?!?!?

I'll be a senior this year, and in NO way do I feel ready for college. I'll say I can't wait to move out, be free, etc etc... but I honestly cannot imagine being responsible for every aspect of my life. Bills, meals, all of it.

I've always been responsible and self-sufficient, and as a result I think I've always been 'ready' to move out. Not that I don't love my family, of course, and want to be with them, just that I've always found it possible. I'm also quite realistic - I've never expected life in college to be easy, always known the money and discipline life alone takes. It has *always* irritated me when people listen to my plans and smile patronizingly 'good luck with that!' or even worse - 'you know how much this and this and this costs, and what youre going to have to do to get there!'

yes. I know. BELIEVE IT OR NOT, I think through things before I plan on them. When I find something I want to do, I research it to the nth degree, find out the information, and then plan on what I need to get done to achieve that something. I KNOW THAT COLLEGE COSTS MONEY FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE.

I've known that since I was *5*. And at least people don't point it out much any more (a senior should know, I suppose) but oh how they used to. I won't overestimate your intelligence if you underestimate mine.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

1000 words

These are my absolute most favorite pictures of all time.

Are they the best quality? no. Do I look good in them? No! But they mean so much.

The first is a gorgeous composition, and just sums up my relationship with my dad. The other day, whilst aiming at a spider sticker next to it on the wall, I accidentally shot a hole through it. I nearly *cried*... and it's just a picture. But it's my favorite, and it's an original, pre-digital! It's fine though :)

The second is indescribable. Honestly one of the best times of my life (so far;)), the two people who I am completely closest to. I would trust them with *everything*. they've known me all my life, and they know my shortcomings, and love me anyways... and I'm the same for them. We don't *look* good in the picture, but it doesn't matter. The memory is what matters.

No matter where I go, I'll always bring these pictures, and display them proudly. I have plenty of others that I like, a lot even, other people who are worthy of being in a 'favorite' picture... but these... these are it.

<3 LS