
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Shila CHP9 (Kuviasuktok) - A/N

I love this chapter. Not as much as the next chapter, but i really love it.

*sigh* sokkya is so cute! (But don't worry... it isn't all peaches and creme! Reality coming soon!) :D :D

OK not too much to say!

OH, basically what happened when she firebent was she like caught on fire, but she didn't get burnt. She felt hot, and she looked like she was on fire, but as soon as she put water on it she was fine.

Yeah, that needed a little bit of clearing up ;)

Kuviasuktok - Is Happy


Paloma said...

Loved it!! Maybe I'm remembering wrong but it seemed just a tad different from the version I read over, anyway... read it, enjoyed it, waiting for the next chappie!!

Cora said...

I don't think I really changed anything in this chappie. I changed the time of the comet in the next one, cause three days was not enough time to get done all i needed to get done ;)