A little ditty type poem I wrote. I had the title 'Oh to be a bird with wings' in my head for a while... it popped into my brain when I was swinging, you know, like on a playground. It is quite wonderful. I finally actually wrote it the other night... and ended up with random haikus. :D ah, the dear japanese influence!
"O' to be a bird with wings
And fly over you flightless things
Up I would soar to see the sky
I'd go until I was so high
I couldn't see the ground
I dream and dream of this
Until it turns into a wish
I continue to wish to fly up there
Where you can feel the wind in your hair
And the bugs in your teeth...
Oh to be a bird
Then I could fly 'cross the world
across the wide sea
Though I suppose being a bird
You couldn't say a word
You wouldn't be understood
You'd be expressive as wood
And I suppose, being a bird
No wits would be assured
You could be as dumb as a rock
To think would be... a shock!
I suppose, a bird
Cannot eat hamburgers, such
A sad tradgedy!
I think I like my life
Though it has a bit of Strife
I'll be content with walking
Thinking, eating, living, and talking!
I will be happy with myself
Put that dream upon a shelf
And I'll love my fellow flightless things
despite our sorrowful lack of wings
I am glad I am
not a bird, for how very
restrictive and sad"
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