
Friday, August 5, 2011

Where Oh where has that little time gone?

No, but seriously. It's AUGUST. what is this?!?!?

I'll be a senior this year, and in NO way do I feel ready for college. I'll say I can't wait to move out, be free, etc etc... but I honestly cannot imagine being responsible for every aspect of my life. Bills, meals, all of it.

I've always been responsible and self-sufficient, and as a result I think I've always been 'ready' to move out. Not that I don't love my family, of course, and want to be with them, just that I've always found it possible. I'm also quite realistic - I've never expected life in college to be easy, always known the money and discipline life alone takes. It has *always* irritated me when people listen to my plans and smile patronizingly 'good luck with that!' or even worse - 'you know how much this and this and this costs, and what youre going to have to do to get there!'

yes. I know. BELIEVE IT OR NOT, I think through things before I plan on them. When I find something I want to do, I research it to the nth degree, find out the information, and then plan on what I need to get done to achieve that something. I KNOW THAT COLLEGE COSTS MONEY FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE.

I've known that since I was *5*. And at least people don't point it out much any more (a senior should know, I suppose) but oh how they used to. I won't overestimate your intelligence if you underestimate mine.

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