
Monday, January 24, 2011

last night i dreamed that we were at the hospital, (who knows why) and there was a protest going on. And I just heard the shouting and I was like 'Mom, why are they shouting?' and she goes, 'Oh, theres some like, Alex Day? and they're protesting something.'

Of course, I got excited (even though I don't even LIKE Alex Day) and went to see what they were protesting. They had signs that said 'down with 'utubeit' and such. apparently YouTube had come up with a new photosharing software site thing called 'utubeit.' and all the youtubers were mad because now they couldn't use any of the other photosharing site things. And then I got up and gave this super-motivational speech that went something like 'What's wrong with Photobucket, Flickr, Twitpic, or Dailybooth? These things have been around quite a while and they are loved! DOWN WITH UTUBEIT!!!!!'

this is why people wonder if I'm sane....

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