
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Because I always do what Sera tells me to...


Gosh, I love those guys. Haha. Psych is the best show ever - no joke.

So, I had written like half of this post. and then I clicked a button and it all deleted. and so I screamed, went and had a couple giant bites of pudding, and came back to persevere. So if I seem short.... that's why. (I must really love you, P. you better be freaking grateful.)

SO anyways!

"Oh yeah
So scared of breaking it that you won't let it bend
And I wrote two hundred letters I will never send
Sometimes these cut are so much deeper then they seem
You'd rather cover up, I'd rather let them bleed
So let me be and I'll set you free" 

Gosh, I love those guys also. ;) Yeah. I bought Maroon5's new album. and it IS freaking amazing. I seriously adore it!

SO. Miss Seraphima A. Stoff (what is your middle name, Ser? May I suggest Alana? orr... Justine. Orrrrrr Marguerite. OR OR OR Isabella (pronounced spanishly), or Isalli (pronouced spanishly)or Rilla (pronounced spanishly)) ANYWAY Sera wants an account of what I've been doing lately. So here goes [accuracy improves as it goes along]

monday the 13th of september
Got HP & the Goblet of Fire.  Went to acting, where I had to write a soliloquy and a bio (I hate writing about myself. NOT! haha, but yeah, sorta). Took my friend AnnaMae home, which was fun, cause we got to talk. Came home and read, and read some more, or something.

tuesday the 14th of september 
Went to math class. Prof talked about linear equations and word problems. No time for doodles. came home, listened to 'the coffeehouse' a sirius XM radio station. read some more.

wednesday the 15th of september
went to the BEACH!! with my fam and my Oma and Aunt and Cousin [jell]. We went to surfside, and the water was CLEAR. excuse my geeking out - this is a Texas beach we're talking about. I mean, normally you can't see your hand an inch from your face. This time, my cousin took a picture of her leg, and could see it all the way... and more. I mean... WOW. anyways, I acted anti-social when we first got there, laid on the beach and finished my book [sorry cedric, but your death just wasn't that sad when surrounded by the beauty of the ocean. sucks for ya, though.] After I'd finished it I went and boogie-boarded a bit, and then went in and worked on a sandcastle -
I applied, applied again, and REAPPLIED my 8spf tanning lotion, but still came away with a nasty sunburn, all down one side of my back, my arms, even the backs of my hands. [which has just started peeling, but more on that later] Ate dinner/lunch in a place that smelled like a bathroom (and the bathroom smelled like an animal shelter) but the food was good. I watched something when I got home, but I can't remember what :/ sry!! oh, and all day I was singing The Only Exception, acoustic version. It was annoying cause I couldn't remember the words. but oh well! I did some math homework, but HP & The Order of the Phoenix was calling me, so I went to bed to read it. Read until 3 in the morning, when I realized I should finish my math homework. So I got out of bed, realized I had actually done all my homework except for one problem I wasn't sure about, and went back to bed.

thursday the sixteenth of september
went to class. prof talked more about word problems, no time for doodles. Came home and crammed all the work I'd missed on wednesday. Ignored my acting homework, which was to find a celebrity who was like me. went to Y&G. was shocked, but pleased, by the giant amount of people there. Went to bed to read. Read until 4 in the morning, when a poem suddenly struck me. Came out of bed, wrote said poem down, and went back, to read until i finished the book.. at 5 in the morning.

friday the seventeenth of september
Finished the tiny bit of school I had left. cleaned the house a bit, or something. Don't really remember. :D :D went to the mall for a friend's bday at 6. got an amazing parking spot, thanks to my aunt who saved it for me. ate delicious Taco Bell, and then went to Bible study. Bible study was awesome. at one point we had to write three things we were afraid of, and my name was on the top of my brother's and another friend's lists. I love it. :D after that I went back to the same friend's sleepover. ha. it was... interesting. we played a very boring truth or dare game, I, naturally, was the only one who did a dare. I ended up with ranch all over my face, and celery in my hand. *nods* played 'freeze' and the ABC game. Had an hour long politics and religon debate. Did a little 'talent show' thing :D went to bed at about 4:30 or so.

saturday the eighteenth of september
came home and cleaned. managed to finish all my chores before I went to a skit rehearsal thing at one. got cast and all that fun stuff, came home and talked to my dad for five minutes, went to blockbuster in the shooting rain and was afraid I was going to go flying across the road, but I didn't! :) watched HP & the Goblet of Fire with Oms, Auntie D, & J, but didn't have time for OotP. went home and discovered the Netflix app... not so great ;) entered NHHS members into a spreadsheet while watching bones.

sunday the nineteenth of september
went to church! forgot how much my sequined dress scratched me! good sermon. came home, thought I was going somewhere with my mom but we ended up not going cause it was raining again. changed into a much more comfortable outfit and watched a couple episodes of bones, and then went over to Oma's to watch Order of the Phoenix with all of them. Watched that, ate a yummy steak dinner, complete with WONDERFUL AMAZING CARBS (in potato AND bread form. GOSH carbs are GOOD)
anyways. Came home, watched another bones while finishing the NHHS stuff.

monday the twentieth of september
woke up at about noon. attempted to do school, got SOME math homework done, and then gave in and read HP & the Half Blood Prince all afternoon. Was almost done with it when I realized I was about to need to leave for acting and I had no idea where my solliloquy was PLUS i hadn't taken a shower and my hair was grody.  SO i stopped RIGHT after Snape killed Dumbly and ran around looking for my soliloquy saying over and over again in my head 'I thought Snape was good, I thought snape was good' [SERAPHIMA JUSTINE STOFF DO NOT COMMENT ON THIS I HAVENT FINISHED DEATHLY HALLOWS YET AND IF YOU SPOIL IT... INCIPIO MORTALITIS!) didn;t find my soliloquy, decided to finish the book instead of write a new soliloquy ccause I knew I wouldn't be able to focus in acting otehrwise. finshed it, ran to the car, jetted of to acting, mentally writing a soliloquy all the to acting, wrote it all down in my notebook and went in, only to find out we didn't really need it this week. We studied the way people lead (walking wise.) and that - pretty cool. I found out I was cast as the mother in The Nutcracker! I came home and watched last week's project runway, then skyped leiler, halfway through she decided she wanted to hear a show, so she three-way called me and her other friend Olivia, who is a rabid Kataanger. She [leila] would go, 'say something Kataang guys, say something Zutara' so I would say 'well, aang needs to die' and Olivia would go 'How can you think that, that's not right,' and leila would just be dying laughing. we had a nice little conversation though, while I finished the NHHS stuff. Until my mom came and told me it was time for beddie. started deathly hallows

tuesday the twenty-first of september
went to math. prof was just going over the problems I'd already done, so I had time to doodle two Azulas, one awful sokka, half a katara, hermoine, luna, and little ginny. :D got home and did some school. went to rehearsal and had a lot of fun. glitterfied our bake sale posters :D got home and went to bed, got to leila's fave chapters and sorta understood why they were her favorites (harry finally does something realistic, for one!) stopped just before the hogwarts invasion, cause i knew it was fairly late already.

wednesday the twenty-second of september
did school. and school. and school. :D burned my old paper license, which was satisfying. Got the new Maroon 5 album, which is amazing. started to write this blog post and got distracted writing a story, accidentely deleted this post, cussed, made and ate pudding, started to write this new one, went to gringoes and had enchiladas and frozen yogurt, came home, and finished this post :) :)


there ya go, Seraphima Justine [justine is definitely your middle name. definitely]

Now, I am completely out of words. I'll go scan all the doodles I've made over the last few days instead :)

The Ruins of Abalone

"They came upon the ruins quite by accident.
'What is this place,' asked Sam fearfully
'The Ruins of Abalone,' replied Isabel, staring in awe, 'I thought they were just a myth.'
'Are they... haunted?' Eli scooted closer to his friends
'Sam will protect us if they are, right Sam?' Alise shot a subtle look at Sam through her eyelashes
'Uh...' Sam looked around the ruins, 'Well, I... um...'
'They're not haunted,' said Isabel finally,'Would you like to hear the tale?'
The other three nodded
'All right. Follow me then,' She strode purposefully over the bridge, careful to stay away from the crumbling sides, through the broken gap in the wall, and right up to the door of the center tower.'
Sam, Eli, and Alise followed her a bit more timidly.
'The tale of the Ruins,' Isabel smiled at her friends, 'Is one of mystery, above all else. No one knows what happened to the great Castle of Abalone, once known for it's lavish parties and gossip-ridden court life. Tales are told of the princesses and princes who ruled society from the Castle of Abalone, but no tale is told of it's decline... except one.' She took a deep breath, and smiled mysteriously at the others, "In the rule of Flavius and Neora Sevante, the castle came under attack. The great gardens, once known for their giant seahorse shrubberies, were left unkempt, the moat ran dry, and the towers crumbled. Flavius and Neora evacuated all their friends, family, and staff, but they stayed, wanting to liberate their castle or die trying. A letter written from Neora to her sister Quiani was found. In it, Neora said she'd found a way to keep the opposing army out, but she and Flavius would have to sacrifice to achieve it. She didn't say what they had to sacrifice. After taht, they were never heard of again, and the Castle of Abalone dissapeared off the map. The opposing army found themselves in their beds in their own homes, remembering nothing of the attack and seige. No-one ever spoke of the Castle of Abalone again. This has to be it!' At this she ran to the door and tried to pry it open. It wouldn't come. Sam and Eli jumped up,
'Let us try!'
She rolled her eyes, but nodded, and they set to work. She went to the windows. They were covered in sand, and permanently fogged with time. She tried to wipe them clean, but they were sporting the wear of ages. She was startled out of her cleaning attempts by a yell from Eli.
'We got it! Isabel, we got it!'
She and Alise ran to where the boys were staring apprehensively into the dark building.
'Oh, come on, there's nothing bad in there!' Isabel pushed them aside and started to go into the house
'We'll wait out here. Call if you need anything,' Alise exchanged a look with Sam, who nodded. Eli, on the other hand, shook his head.
'I'll go with you, Isabel.'
He nodded, and took her hand, 'We don't want to get separated, you know.'
'Right,' she said,  a bit dis concertedly.
They tiptoed into the pitch black tower, attempting not to trip over anything. In the dim light from the open door Isabel could make out 500 year old furniture, slightly shabby, but otherwise in perfect condition. She moved a little closer to Eli, 'This is kinda creepy. Wish we had a light.'
'Yeah. Wait!' He fumbled in his pocket for a minute, and then pulled out a flash light, 'Here!'
'You had a flashlight in your pocket? Why did you -" She stopped talking as he shone the light around the room. It truly was eerie. It was as if they had stepped back into medieval times. Isabel pointed wordlessly at a spiral stone staircase. Eli nodded, and they made their way to it. They crept up the steps, Eli flashing his light before them, until they'd reached an opening into another large room. This one had a large four poster bed in the corner and - Isabel gasped - a roaring fire in the fireplace. A woman was sitting at a vanity combing her long brown hair. Eli tried to pull Isabel down the stairs, but she wouldn't budge.
'Neora?' She took a step towards the woman, much to Eli's annoyance.
The woman smiled slightly and gave a small incline of her head that sufficed as a nod.
'Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Eli! Oh my goodness, you're... you must be... oh my goodness.' Isabel was shaking, staring at Neora. The former queen came up, smile still present on her pale face, and took Isabel's hand.
'Thank you,' She breathed.
'What... for what?" Isabel managed to shrink from her touch and look excited by it at the same time.
'Only one who was not seeking the castle could find it, and only one who did not want to harm it could enter. You have achieved both, and thus have freed me and my husband, Flavius.'
At his name, a man appeared at the foot of a staircase that led up. He stared for a moment, shocked, at the newcomers, and then rushed to Neora's side.
'Have they done it?" he whispered to her. She nodded, and he opened his mouth in a silent scream of joy. she turned bemusedly to Isabel and Eli;
'I'm afraid fivehundred years does not help the voice.'
'Five... five hundred...' Eli shook his head
'Yes. Five hundred years ago we cast a spell upon this castle. Nothing in it would age, until such time as one of pure heart discovered it. Unfortunately, as the spell is impossible to cast outside of the object you are immortalizing, we had to stay for the span of time also. I'll admit, we've questioned our decision many times through the years. But perhaps... perhaps you can use these ruins as a teaching tool. Tell the world about our time, show them how we lived.'
'What about you?' Isabel frowned at the former Queen
'We are going to, finally, get some much needed rest.' Flavius smiled at Neora.
'Thank you, both of you.' Neora laid her hand upon their joined ones, 'May you have a wonderful life together.'
Eli reddened, 'Oh, we're not, I mean -'

'Hush, Eli.' Isabel was trying to listen to Flavius
A slow smile spread across Eli's face, and he moved closer to Isabel.
'Are you ready, my sweet?' Flavius had donned a crown, and given one to Neora.
'I am,' She placed her own crown upon her head, and gave the former King a kiss. THey  made their way to the four poster bed and lay on it, on their backs, staring at the stone ceiling. Isabel turned into Eli and began to sob. He put his arms around her absentmindedly, stunned by the suddenness of the monarchs' death.
They came, blinking back out into the light, much closer and more fragile than when they had entered.
'What happened?' Sam noticed Isabel's tearstained face, 'Are you alright?'
'Isabel? Isabel, are you ok? Eli, what happened?' Alise looked from Isabel to Sam and back, worry lines disturbing her normally perfect face
'We're fine,' said Eli, 'Fine.
Isabel nodded. Then she turned to Eli, 'We have to get back, tell the professor. Do you realize what this means, Eli? This can be my first project. I'll finally be able to become a real archeologist. You too!'
He smiled down at her, 'I know. I'm so incredibly happy for us.'
Alise turned to Sam, 'I think more happened in there than they're telling us.'
Sam nodded, 'Definitely.'