
Wednesday, July 14, 2010


So I just posted this pic on deviantart -

and it made me sappy. So I wrote a little paragraph. and it's perfect blog fodder. so here goes:

"I sat and watched her through the window. It was as close as I could get, nowadays. She leaned on the hood of her car (her very own car) and laughed at something that the boy standing by her had said. Another girl came out of the house holding a camera, and took a picture of my girl and the boy. After they were done posing they all got into the car and drove off, my girl driving. I knew she'd come back tonight and type away at her computer, or scribble in her journal. Time was she would tell ME all the important goings on. But that time has passed, something I must learn to accept. It is hard, becoming obsolete. I would despair, were it not for my girl's soft heart, her sentimentality. I know she'll never toss me out. She still picks me up and kisses me whenever I get tossed onto the floor. She still holds me as she falls asleep. And she still talks to me, only once in a while. I'll always be there, always be close by. I'm her teddy, and that's what teddies do." 

ack. that's seriously like one of the best things I've ever written




Paloma said...

Oooh!! It would be so fun to write an entire book on someone's life from the perspective of a teddy bear!! And you could add hints, up until the very end, then at the last chapter you find out the teddy was the one who had seen this whole persons life.

Cora said...

yeah, but it'd be really hard not to give it awway! I'm really bad at keeping things like that a secret :D

Leila said...

i love teddy bears. adorable story and i love the picture :)