It's amazing how a bad movie can ruin your week, especially when you were expecting it to be horrible. Of course, it makes a bit more sense when you throw in the fact that you have waited six months (counting down the days) for this movie, that you dressed up and went to the midnight premier (and ended up finding out that your 'genius' costume sucked and you looked/felt awful) ...
in case you haven't yet deduced it I'm talking about The Last Airbender (hereafter reffered to as 'TLA')
I am far too het up to write anything even closely resembling a review, so I'll give you pieces of other people's... with my commentary in brackets {like this}
Sera writes: So I went to the A:tla movie premier!! Needless to say, I hated the movie! Don't get me wrong, I love M. Night, {as do I} but it takes a true trooper to get past the lack of acting (although Zuko and Sokka were great!{Still hated them, casting wise}), plot and character development. And through the whole movie I kept waiting for something truly funny to happen, or some sarcasm to blow me away. HELLO!!! Where on Earth were Sokka's endless sarcastic quips... or his intense love of meat? In the show Aang character may have been a little bit emo (VERY emo when Appa got taken) but he still had a sense of childish humor, WHERE THE HECK WAS THIS IN THE FREAKIN MOVIE!!?! Katara spent the entire film looking like she was about to cry... What? Where was her preachy hopefullness!! Why where the Earthbenders weak? Where were the Kyoshi warriors {I was confused by this, because I saw a picture of them... so did they get cut at the very last moment???}? Why was Yue's father dead? Where was Hahn (Yue's fiancee)? Why does it take four hours to make one water whip (And people wonder why the Fire Nation took near complete control of the world?)?
I'm going to blame the writers.
{All of these things bugged me too, as well as a few other things. Erica AKA GreenifyME summed up most of everything else:}
Erica writes:
As for the characters/acting/writing: Let me just say that it wasn't really the race thing that bothered me about these characters. You could quickly get over that. {yeah you could. I was over that in may...}Yes, Katara's family seemed to be the only white family in the Southern Water tribe (the rest were Inuit), but after seeing that the entire Northern water tribe was white, and knowing that Kanna came from there, I allowed myself to buy it. Sure. Whatever. But we barely had time to even get to know Sokka and Katara or even really learn to love them. They were just sort of "there" for the whole movie, besides the very beginning, when they actually had more than a couple words to say. And when they did, well, it wasn't very good. Which brings me to the writing...which was unbelievably awful. {YES YES YES. this was what bugged me the MOST. ugh ugh ugh. continue for more}
I don't know what on earth Shyamalan was thinking when he wrote this script. It would almost be impossible for anyone to perform good acting in a movie that forces you to speak such cheesy and out-of-place dialog. I literally cringed at a few parts...even giggled.{um yes. there was ALL OUT LAUGHING at some parts. my word, shamamallama!} There was nothing natural about the way they spoke, it was just awkward. The pacing of the whole film was terrible. I really don't blame the actors for this, I blame Shyamalan. That being said, Katara could have seeeeriously toned down the melodrama. Nicola Peltz had a tendency to over-act, and everything she talked about seemed to require her bugging her eyes out or having tears in them, or both, and having a constantly shaky voice like she was about to have an emotional breakdown at any second. But once again, this is not her fault. It is the director's job to direct. To say "cut". To say, "Let's try that again with less DRAMA." But that, he did not do.
Noah Ringer's performance started off pretty shaky, but he did seem to get better as he went on, and I did like him at the end of it all. Sokka was pretty good, and was allowed a few humorous parts. Dev did really well in his delivery and emotions, even if what was coming out of his mouth was bizarre. And everyone else was just alright.
Also, Azula does show up at the very, very end, bowing before her father and in a flashback. She looks the part, but we'll see, if there's a second movie. {I LOVED azula!! I loved loved loved her! I sincerely hope they change writers/directors (Although I love shamamallama.... this movie just didn't work for him) so she can actually get a chance to work the part!}
One thing that bothered me was that Aang, in ocean spirit form, did not kill Zhao. A band of waterbenders literally just appeared, lifted him up into a ball of water until he drowned, then dropped his butt and walked away. O_o I was like alright... {yeah, that was weeeeiiiirddd. I was like.. okkk. guess hes... dead??}
Honestly, the most Aang did in that form was lift up a huge wall of water (like you saw in the trailers), and that alone scared the entire fire nation into leaving. That's it. Huge wall of water= we're done for. He didn't even USE it against them! It was just a warning!{EEEEEERRRRRRGGHHHHHHHH I hated that! I was looking forward to Aang Koi!}
And then of course, there's the name changes. Yes, Sokka, Aang, and Iroh are indeed all pronounced differently. Sokka is now Soh-ka, Aang is now Ohng, and Iroh is now Eeroh. I don't care what Shyamalan's reasoning for this was, it was unnecessary. All it did was throw the audience off every time one of those names were said. I'd hear whispers and giggles. It was distracting. {hee hee, ummm yess, we were the ones giggling. and ONCe when someone said 'Ong' Leiler went 'grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!' really loudly, and then we couldn't stop laughing and then.... ummmm... yeah. Sorry everyone in the theater with us!}
SO yes, that's pretty much that. Both of those sum up what I {Lu} feel about TLA. I despised it but at the same time... it was atla. on screen. in real life. SO MUCH POTENTIAL... and... failure.
It is even more amazing how a simple patch of blue sky, a shower, some new cover up, and a night with your family can turn it all back around.
It might seem a little overdramatic if I say that with the failure of TLA I lost my will to live. But it did send me into one of those 'funks' where you don't see the point in anything. I wasn't even excited for my super-birthday celebration, which is going to be amazing!
I'm here to tell you that when you feel like that don't give up! Find the blue sky, drink some coffee, do something you always do that makes you happy, write a song, bake a cake, take a shower! Go shopping or to lunch with a friend, read your Bible, sing, pray, just live life... normal, wonderful life!
i love this post haha :)
ohhhh my gosh terrible movie. but fun premeire!
yes... that movie was AWFUL! but the premier was so fun!! I really cant wait for te second one, when I'll actually have a viable costume haha.
haahh aww but i liked yours!! idk who im gonna be for the second. i cant find anyone more perfect for me than tylee...
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