
Wednesday, October 27, 2010


SO - I have a lot to tell y'all. but I realized I'd update faster if I spread it all around rather than making it one long post!

This post is to tell you that I decided to get a tattoo!

As you may or may not be able to tell, that is my left wrist (the picture is sideways) and that is the kanji for 'fire'. Currently I'm just drawing it on with a sharpie. I figure if I can keep it on for two years, then I'll be able to stand it for the rest of my life. :)

Anyway, that's all for now. Next time, I'll tell you about my dream house ;D

Oh, later today I get to go on a FIELD TRIP. haha I get to go hear Senator Dan Patrick speak. whoo hoo. (no sarcasm... I think... ;D)

OH And my new txt message alert sound is the kimmunicator beep. My life is complete. Leila rules. :D

ciao for now!


Monday, October 11, 2010

 13Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 14But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. 15Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. 16For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. 

I am struggling with that - 14But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth - 

bitter envy and selfish ambition. bitter ambition and selfish envy.

Lord, save me. Help me let it go. Help me gain humility and contentment in the millions of blessings that I have.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My sisters say;

'And you've already watched balto! That's an hour of your time!'

'but I'm like.. I'm like...'

'OK lillian -'

random much? And who watches balto, anyway? What is this, 1996?


I don't much do these narratives. I let you see into the depths of my odd mind - and keep you blind to my more practical, day-to-day side. I'm not nearly as good at writing these as Sera, and I apologize for making you sit through this... but it's her fault anyway :)

WELL whats been going on with me lately??????

I honestly don't know! ;) sorta kinda. let me think.....

hold on, I can't think without music on...


ahh, there it goes. The sweet, melodic cadences of Maroon5. I should probably update my iTunes [for the FIVETHOUSANDTH TIME] but not atm. you have to restart your computer, ya know? not gonna go through that right now.

so. once again - let's attempt thinking... ok, screw that. Let's just go to facebook - that'll jog the memory somewhat.


ok. I'll post the highlights

Monday of last week - YAY FALL WEATHER. It's not 90-100 degrees anymore! it's 70-90! haha :) I think this was the day I went to ikea with mi madre. that was fun :)

Tuesday of last week - Math Exam!! eeps! Was the first one finished - did pretty well :) Also Y&G - that was fun! brought my knitting to jr y&g, got a bit done, wore my fn shirt AND had my fn notebook, which sparked a conversation with my friend that led to us thinking about bending the whole meeting ;D

Wednesday of last week - zip.zilch.nada. I honestly don't think I did... oh, right! I DIDN'T do anything last wednesday. HA. that was the day I sat in my mom's bed and knitted and watched bones all day. aha. a sick day fail. :)

Thursday of last week - um. also nada. like, really nada. haha

Friday of last week - went to Jo-ann's with my mom and got navy and gold yarn :D :D watched pride and prejuidice. haha.

Saturday of last week - babysat in the morning, then cleaned, then went and got my friend and we went out to this treelined drive thing and took some purrty pictures :D then she spent the night [we watched Sweet Home Alabama... she'd never seen it!!!!!!!!!!]

Sunday of last week - Church, and then I came home and watched 17 episodes of the office. HA. yeah.

Monday - I dunno what I did yesterday. Honestly! Wow. Um, thought i'd figured out a bill topic, but it turned out I couldn't do it.


bleh blah bleh.

I WANT A LEMON CAKE. but theyre at jell's house. and I'm at my house. Oh yeah, i forgot, lately I've been craving sugar and chocolate. and, uh... I've been eating straight frosting. [chocolate] it's SO GOOD.



Moo little moo cow...
